Wandsworth Council have launched a public consultation on proposed changes which will require developers to deliver 50% affordable housing on all new sites.
Wandsworth Council have launched a public consultation on proposed changes which will require developers to deliver 50% affordable housing on all new sites.
Wandsworth’s Christmas tree recycling service is in full swing, with more than 6.5 tonnes of trees already collected from around the borough and at our six drop-off sites, ready to be composted.
The start of the new year is the perfect time to take charge of your health and wellbeing in simple, manageable ways. If you’re over 40, ensure you're on the right track by booking a quick and free NHS Health Check at your local GP or pharmacy.
The start of the new year is the perfect time to take charge of your health and wellbeing in simple, manageable ways. If you’re over 40, ensure you're on the right track by booking a quick and free NHS Health Check at your local GP or pharmacy.
Wandsworth’s Christmas tree recycling service is in full swing, with more than 116 tonnes of trees already collected from around the borough and at our six drop-off sites, ready to be composted.
Our brand new Wandsworth Council WhatsApp Channel is now live. Follow us and be one of the first to receive news and information from across Wandsworth, the 2025 London Borough of Culture.
Our brand new Wandsworth Council WhatsApp Channel is now live. Follow us and be one of the first to receive news and information from across Wandsworth, the 2025 London Borough of Culture.
Wandsworth Council and Taylor Wimpey London have announced a mutually-agreed dissolution of the Winstanley and York Road Regeneration joint venture (JV).
Wandsworth Council and Taylor Wimpey London have announced a mutually-agreed dissolution of the Winstanley and York Road Regeneration joint venture (JV).