Victory in Asda Name Battle

Campaigners have succeeded in persuading ASDA that their store is in Clapham Juntion, Battersea – not Clapham.  Various members of the online community have lobbied ASDA head office over the inaccurate branding and eventually prevailed. Local Manager Mick Beck held a poll at the store and the results were conclusive:

  1. Asda Clapham Junction 374 votes
  2. Asda Battersea 350 votes
  3. Asda Clapham Junction Battersea 109 votes
  4. Asda Clapham 91 votes

Mike Beck was quoted as saying

“I’m delighted that we have finally come to a decision on the store name, we’re incredibly proud of our location and we would like to thank our customers who took the time to come in and vote – here’s to the new and improved, ASDA Clapham Junction, Battersea.”

Quite why ADSA believed local people thought they lived in Clapham remains a mystery. Perhaps it was a case of innocent ignorance?

Campaigners have pledged to remain vigilant, and will look out for any other CJ misnomers.

Residents up in arms over Asda Clapham claims

A argument has broken out over the branding of the Asda store in Clapham Junction as “Asda Clapham”. The online forum of local website Streetbook which boasts around 800 local members has been detailing the correspondence between Asda corporate marketers and local people who are upset that the store brands itself ‘Clapham’.

The offensive Asda sign

he offensive Asda sign

As one says “Am I the only one hacked off that ASDA in Clapham Junction (The Heart of Battersea)claims to be in Clapham, Lambeth?”

Asda remain defiant: “if we were to change the name of the store it would lose it’s identity in the local area.” Clearly they miss the point. It’s not clear if these decisions are made locally or at head office, but a glance at a map would surely clear this up very quickly and simply.

What do you think?

Do you think the Asda store is in Clapham or Battersea or Clapham Junction? Does it matter? Please comment below.

Traffic Congestion at Clapham Junction

Long awaited work to allieviate traffic congestion around Clapham Junction has started on Lavender Hill.

Roadworks at Clapham JunctionThe work will allow road vehicles coming down Lavender Hill towards Clapham Junction to turn right at Asda. At present traffic wishing to turn into Falcon Road has to queue up at the busy junction with St Johns Hill/Falcon Road/St Johns Road. The roadworks are currently causing tailbacks on Lavender Hill, and the new turning is not expected to open until Q1 2011.

The announcement was made over a year ago, but council politics have held up the work until now.

Click live traffic reports for an up to date report of the Wandsworth traffic news.

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New secondary school plans updated

Some 2,000 parents have joined the Neighbourhood School Campaign (NSC), which wants to turn the old Bolingbroke hospital site into a secondary school by 2013.

Bolingbroke Hospital

At a stall in the Northcote Road Festival, campaign leader Jon De Maria told us that they have appointed ARK as the school provider. ARK is a private charity with a good track record in setting up Academy schools. He also announced that Wandsworth Council is now in talks with the NHS to acquire the Bolingbroke Hospital site. Bolingbroke Hospital closed in 2008 despite an extensive local campaign to save it. Since then it has remained empty.

According to the NSC campaign, the closest secondary, Chestnut Grove, received 777 applications for 150 places. The next closest, Salesian College, has a faith orientated admissions policy, and will close for a year soon anyway. The end result is that children in local primary schools (Belleville and Honeywell are the two largest primary schools in Wandsworth) have to travel far and wide when they move up to secondary school – Over the past four years,  pupils have ended up at 49 different schools.

Streetbook – new for SW11

SW11 is on Streetbook… Are you?

Streetbook is your local community, online. It brings together everyone and everything that’s going on around you in one secure, simple place.

You can chat with your neighbours, arrange a street party, borrow a ladder, or improve the security of your neighbourhood. You can reach out to the wider community to find a jogging buddy, set up a book club, or recommend a plumber.

You’ll also receive up-to-the minute offers from local businesses, enabling you to take advantage of the best deals on your doorstep.

Little Bay Battersea gutted in fire

Eight fire engines and over 40 firefighters were called to fight a huge fire at the Little Bay restaurant in Battersea on New Year’s Day.

Peter Ilic, who is owner of the Little Bay restaurant group said “We still don’t know exactly what caused the fire, but it most probably was something electrical. The kitchen was already closed when the fire started.”

Clapham Junction Town Centre

Wandsworth Council has been awarded a £1.2million transport grant to improve the road network surrounding Clapham Junction Station.

The council’s scheme aims to reduce traffic congestion, cut accidents by a third and improve the environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

The work would also improve station access and make life easier for commuters switching between different modes of transport.

The project will include introducing a new right-turn traffic movement from Lavender Hill into Falcon Lane. This new route will divert some traffic away from the main crossroads where Lavender Hill meets St John’s Hill – easing congestion and making way for safety improvements.

There will also be new pavement surfaces, new pedestrian crossing points, new cycle lanes and improved street lighting.

Work is expected to start in March 2010.

Road improvements go ahead

A scheme to reduce traffic congestion around clapham junction is going ahead. The plan is to allow traffic heading for Falcon road to turn right opposite the library on Lavender Hill and go down the Asda link road.

This will reduce congestion around the main crossroads at clapham junction and make residents safer and more secure.